About us

Golden Waffle

Even since childhood, the dream of each of us was and remained a sweet pleasure called ice cream. To make the delicacy complete, it helps our years of experience in the production and development of ice cream cones which any ice-cream flavor is incomplete without it.

The traditional flavor of the ice cream cone of various sizes and flavors is complemented by the waffle solutions - sweet biscuits that every sweet lovers invites to more. In addition to our favorite sweet ice cream cones we also offer special additions to complement the sweet gourmet experience - beautiful decorations made of the most delicious waffle. Also, we first offered a new aesthetic dimension in the assortment - ice cream cones and wafers in various colors, bio waffle, WAFFLE WITH YOUR LOGO AND WAFFLE IN COLORS OF FLAGS, so we always raise the visual experience for one more step. In our offer you can also find dessert dressings for ice cream and other equipment for pastry and catering.

In addition to the highest quality products we also offer:
  • Additional discounts and benefits, depending on the quantity ordered
  • Dimensions, colors, taste and appearance of the product tailored to your liking
Our long-standing experience with production and cooperation with our customers guarantees satisfaction and confidence in our products. Become a part of the sweet world - GOLDEN WAFFLE.



Golden Waffle j.d.o.o.
Trg Josipa Godlara 4
HR-35000 Slavonski Brod

Mob.: +385 95 392 8241
E-mail: golden_waffle@hotmail.com

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Golden Waffle Ltd., Trg Josipa Godlara 4, 35 000 Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska, is registered at the Court Registry of the Commercial Court in Osijek - permanent service in Slavonski Brod under number - MBS 030202819 * Share capital: 10,00 kn paid in full in cash * Director: Denis Fidani

* OIB: 12449934287 * Account No.: 2340009 - 1110933128 opened at Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Zagreb, Trg Pobjede 27, 35000 Slavonski Brod * IBAN: HR8923400091110933128 * Phone: +385 95 392 8241The content of this website is not allowed to be copied, reproduced or used for any purpose without the written permission of the owner. * Discounts and actions do not add up.

All objections under the article 10. Zakon o zaštiti potrošača (N.N. 41./2014.) you can send to the address: Golden Waffle j.d.o.o., Trg Josipa Godlara 4, 35 000 Slavonski Brod, to an E-mail: golden_waffle@hotmail.com or submit to business premises at the address Trg Josipa Godlara 4, 35 000 Slavonski Brod.



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